Rock’N’Roll #3.32

Christophe 10 mai 2018

La playlist de l’émission 3.32 du 10 mai 2018 :

ACDC Thunderstruck The Razor’s Edge
NOIR DESIR Comme elle vient Live
GUNS n’ ROSES Shadow Of Your Love Inédit – Apetite For Destruction- 29 Juin 2018
STEAM MORRISLER Heroïn Jenny Even & Ends
TEACUP MONSTER Take It Take It or Leave it
RED MONEY Come Back Shake Burn & Love
IRON BUTTERFLY In a Gadda Da Vida In a Gadda Da Vida
POOR MAN’S WISKHEY Time The Darkside Of The Moonshine
THE INSPECTOR CLUZO Sand Preacher We , The People of The Soil
GRETA VAN FLEET Meet On The Ledge From The Fires

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